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Access Level Usage Report

This report provides usage data for a specific Access Level. The report will review the latest 1,000,000 events and provide data on how many times each Door within the access level has been accessed by a user who has been assigned this access level.

This can be used, for example, to identify access permissions which are rarely or never used. This information could form part of a security review to ensure that only the minimum access permissions are assigned to a group of users.

Input parameters​


Before navigating to the reports page, you will need to find a User who has been assigned the Access Level that you would like to run the report on.

User IDYou must select a User who has been assigned the Access Level that you want to run the report on.

Although you are selecting one user, we only use this to identify the Access Level. The report will provide usage data for all Users who have been assigned this access level.

Report Format​

This report provides an output similar to the table shown below.

Access Level NameSite NameDoorTimezone NameAccess Count
Site 1 - All AccessSite 1Front DoorAll Hours500
Site 1 - All AccessSite 1Back DoorAll Hours50